He is ill. And it kills me to think (know) there are people who buy his line and can't see through him. Thanks for the assessment here, and the confirmation that DJT is a disgusting, unhinged, out of control pig, who must be kept away from centers of power at all cost.

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Such a deeply, emotionally, wounded. And yes, you’re correct, from so many of the previously publicly reported stories and now this article’s descriptions and photos, so incestual behaviour, it’s gross. JFort you summed it up so well, not just unqualified, repulsive, to have this pervert a representative of our country. Makes one feel ashamed to be known as a citizen. I know when I was in France, and was misidentified as une Canadien, it was meant as a compliment.

And I was so grateful, their reason, I was told. I made the effort to speak their language, cared to appreciate their country and Interest in their culture. How much that meant to them, they shared, this was so rare in une Americans. Who were rude, oblivious, it made them sad.

For me, my visit was tres bien, joie de vivre! Vivre’ la France! So gracious, t’amie! Everywhere I went, they were ohh, la la! I even found the opposite of what I was told to expect: A sales lady in Le BeBe, a children’s shop in Le Marsellle, vieux assisted me, in selecting a Christening gift for a grandson, back home.

My pauvre Francais, didn’t quite translate. Until I cradled my arms, and made a sign of the cross, on area of Le Bebe’ imaginary forhead. Ah oui, oui! She smiled, La Baptisime! eh? Oui, Oui, Le Baptisme! She found the perfect outfit, wrapped in a gift box, and Prepared a bag for l’aeroplane, to be safe to fly to Les Etates Uni!

Then came around the counter to give to me, et kiss me on both cheeks! Two grandmamas! An unheard of intimacie, for a stranger, customer! How honored I was!

Caring can be international.

I hope our country wakes up, we need a President who is capable of Understanding this. Not Bullying. And I Hope, this Prez, gets the Help he Needs, Emotional Healing, not, Vindictive Triumph, that is Damaging to All. None of us, least of all him.

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Rat tat tat is in the Urban Dictionary:

It is the act of bending a women over and giving it to her from behind while spanking each side of her ass with both hands like a drum.

Trump is seriously gross and demented..

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How many times was Ivanka sevually abused as a child? Which Suadi has rights to her because of Jared's $2 billion deal...that kind of money comes with many strings.

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Come to think of it, Jared looks like a pimp.

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His daddy's grifting ways

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To be sure!

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Shekel pimp

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I have always thought that. I have thought his falling out with Epstein was because of her. Little to much competition for daddy over his girl

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I shudder.

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And why was that crime never prosecuted?..

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Eeewww comes to mind when considering him.

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Those words are inadequate describing Dump.

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And the foto of then 14 years old Ivanka's lap dance for her father that is still on the internet.

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Thanks for Full definition, Honestly, the NYTimes needs to put that on their front page with some of the photos & translations, to prove DJT’s Presidential “Qualifications” & type of Recommendations, so his Followers Really Know what they Support.

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Trump is a loathsome sub-human being whose diseased brain is rotting before our eyes.

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That's an insult to rotting subhumans.

Fuck Donald Trump. He is a vile piece of shit. Less than scum.

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Now, now! You are being way too kind.

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Yes, and long before he was all those things, he was a pedophile and rapist. It is well documented that years ago, he paid off the parents of the 13 year old girl he and Epstein both raped at one of Epstein's "parties." Those parents and that child, now an adult, must all come forward immediately. They have the power to bring down what I'm certain is a sexual cabal, and at the same time, save the world.


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Eww. Just gross on so many levels. Combined with his derogatory statements about how Kamala Harris would be "like a play toy" to world leaders, this is one sick, twisted individual.

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And what does he think world leaders’ opinions of HIM are??

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Wait now...maybe it was a nod to all cat women for Harris? LOL. Not.

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Sure is sad that “ this is what Murica wanted”. Red neck idiots. I really hope this election was stolen because it’s sick to think of that many ppl emulating him. Blech

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Disgusting, revolting, there just isn't a word that is adequate for this. Let's hasten the day when we will be done with him for good.

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Very interesting. Thanks for this. As a trial lawyer I needed to study body language but not to the degree that you have mastered.

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You're very welcome

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I can’t unsee the visuals generated by the Ivanka-long tie thing. Going to the er to get my brain bleached.🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮

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I thought I was done with therapy, will be calling for appointment 1st thing Monday.

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From a theatrical costuming standpoint, someone probably told him in the 80s that a longer tie was slimming and made him look taller. His ties haven't always been overlong. It's the same reason his suits look like an unmade bed. Just a little baggy was thought (back then) to hide extra weight. Current fashion says that really good tailoring is the thing that makes a suit look good.

The tie fondling thing, though, that's your expertise and that's pretty icky.

Also, I think he thinks the Secretary General of the UN is an actual secretary, and that she'd be great at it. (N.B. apologies to any administrative professionals...we all know she'd run crying on the first day).

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Agreed except for the part about Ivanka crying on the first day as UN Secretary. Do you remember seeing the photos of her sitting by Angela Merkel and others when she attended a summit (I think) representing the USA? She is hard to read because she is very good at managing her public face, but she looked as if she felt comfortable and as if she belonged.

At some point, there will be more focus on his kids. It will not be pretty or pleasant I think.

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There are videos of Ivanka attempting to insert herself in world leader conversations (back when her father was pres) & world leaders were having none of it, & walked away. She didn’t even know the topic they were speaking about, but walked up anyway and said “uh huh, I agree”😂

IMO, she is so dumb that I wish we had posts on her body language too, because everything she does is an imposter posing for photo & video ops.

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I think we are remembering the same episode in the ongoing drama “The Weird Ones”. Also have been remembering when trump made a state visit to Great Britain and the way they received him. What a total, clueless jerk he is. But you could see in his eyes that “I want a royal dynasty with palaces and crowns and scepters and orbs” look in his beady little eyes.

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Mary, I just found your post again & yes, that Gaza commercial is exactly as you described!

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She learned to “act” successful by her con artist, sub-human, vile, excrement of a sperm donor! 🤮

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First, I think I just threw up a little in my throat. What a nasty perv.

Second, if he’s been grooming her since childhood to see her worth as purely sexual (and I think there’s plenty of evidence of that), then my sympathy is with her. She’s been taught that sexual behavior is what gets love and attention and a bargaining position. I honestly hope she can break loose and get therapy.

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Yes! Such a fake!! And he is disgusting!! Like the Countess LouAnn sang “Money can’t buy you class….”

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There hasn’t been any indication that she’s as stupid as her father.

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My entire comment proves she is as stupid & selfish as her father.

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Don Jr in 2028…just watch!

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Pffft. Will he even live that long? Multiple drug abusers & human traffickers in his family & politics. But hey, his new sidepiece to his plasticized former fiancé doesn’t at all look like a drug user (cough cough).

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Donald is a weirdo narcissistic perv

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Sounds like he’s really messed up! 😳

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This sexual sadist believes that his daughter is qualified to be the secretary general of the United Nations because she’s sexy. And he knows that she will do anything that he tells her to because he’s been abusing her since she was an infant. FuckTrump

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I’m gonna add that she learned at an early age that to look and move in a way that comes off as sexy but classy gets her things. Being unreadable also gets her things. So now … she is really, really good at these things … but she is not world leader material. Its his narcissism. She appears to be all the things he’s not but likes to imagine that he is.

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Exactly right. Common to see narcissistic parents have a "golden child," a child that the narcissist reflects back to them as being "just like me." More projection.

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She’s been treated like a sex object since she was two years old

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Ya think?

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trump is so gross IMO. Reading about him leaves me ready to hurl. 🤮

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What a vile, disgusting man!!!

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Awesome. The ick factor has been elevated to astonishingly gross as ever. How did we fucking get here? I'm disgusted.

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TY! Trump is A Walking Abuser!

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As repugnant as the man is, what worries me more is the millions of people who like him, believe him and ultimately will vote for Trump. Many of them declare themselves to be Christians and patriots, but on what basis? Where is the evidence of their devotion to either Christ or country if THAT is who they want as president?

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Why would you expect any of that from a cult? Also, since when did facts, truth, reality and science ever enter the brain of a reichwinger??

These are ppl that are governed by their Amygdala, AKA: "the Lizard brain," which lights up & is motivated when they hear strong negative emotions of hate, anger and fear.

Logic and common sense are foreign to these ppl.

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“Reichwinger”. Perfect. I’m stealing that.

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